Home Build

I acquired the land for this build in 2017 at which point I began its design immediately. A development application was submitted to the SCRD in spring of 2018 and building was underway by fall of that year. Completion was roughly 1 year later in the fall of 2019. Everything, from top to bottom, was custom designed by me. I was responsible for overseeing day to day operations and was in charge of all development applications, hiring, subcontracting and financing.


This particular home site was on a steep bank (22 percent slope) with a mature forest. The natural grade of the earth was pre-evaluated with a land survey, carefuly scrutinized and the design of the home was augmented to fit in with minimal excavation and disruption required. Care was taken in preserving an existing 100+ year old Douglas Fir tree on the south end of the lot and the home design and landscaping plan was adapted to incorporate this green giant.


Window & Door Schedules, Site Plans (including setbacks & preliminary septic layout), Electrical Plans, Elevations, Cabinetry & Carpentry Details, Moulding Specifications, Tile Layout, Retaining Wall design & much more.